
The registration fee includes four lunches on the days 14--17 July. The lunches will be offered at the restaurant of the Lugano 1 high school, in the middle of the beautiful Ciani park. The restaurant is about 15 minutes walk from the ISIPTA '03 venue. (Please contact Marco Zaffalon if you need help to move to the restaurant and back to the university.)

The Lugano 1 high school.

The Ciani Park.

The park is situated by the lake and near the busy centre of Lugano. It is believed to be one of the most beautiful parks in Switzerland and subsequently attracts many tourists. The park is characterized by enormous trees, charming winding pathways and a stunning array of flowers. Owing to its prime sunny position by the lake a rich tropical flora grows abundantly in the park. For botany enthusiasts plaque aids are scattered throughout the garden, offering an informative journey through a variety of unique species. Within the park there is the Villa Ciani where the civic museum is located. The park is open all year long from 7 am to 9 pm.