3rd International Symposium on
Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications


University of Lugano
Lugano, Switzerland
14-17 July 2003


Jean-Yves Jaffray, Meglena Jeleva

How to deal with incomplete acts? A proposal


In some situations, a decision is best represented by an incompletely analyzed act: conditionally to a certain event, the consequences of the decision on sub-events are perfectly known and uncertainty becomes expressable through probabilities, whereas the plausibility of this event itself remains vague and the decision outcome on the complementary event is imprecisely known. In this framework, we study an axiomatic decision model and prove a representation theorem. Decision criteria must aggregate partial evaluations consisting in: i) the conditional expected utility associated with the analyzed part of the decision and ii) the best and worst outcomes of its non-analyzed part.

Keywords. Decision Making under Uncertainty, Partially Analyzed Decision

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Authors addresses:

Jean-Yves Jaffray
4 Pl. Jussieu, F-75252 Paris Cedex 05.

Meglena Jeleva
Maison des Sciences Economiques
106-112, bvd de l'Hopital
75013 Paris

E-mail addresses:

Jean-Yves Jaffray Jean-Yves.Jaffray@lip6.fr
Meglena Jeleva jeleva@univ-paris1.fr

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