We accept papers only as PDF files with a limit of 10 pages in two-column format.

Please use the new style files and not the ones available when submitting the papers for the first time. There small but important differences. In the case you use Latex, you only have to change the style file. The new files are:

Send us the paper by specifying the submission number, the e-mail of the corresponding author (as used when submitting the paper for the first time), the main changes you have carried out in the paper, and by attaching a pdf file. Then, click on the SUBMIT button. After that, please wait patiently until you get a response telling you that the data have been transmitted successfully. You also will get a form in which you can edit some paper data as the title and abstract and add some URL addresses that will be used to create web pages with the abstracts of accepted papers.

Submission number: 
E-mail of corresponding author:
Attach pdf file: 
Detailed list of changes you have carried out in the paper: 

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This page was created on 27 April 2007.
Send any remarks to the following address: