Golden Roof ISIPTA'11 home Nordkette mountain range


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List of Papers

Likelihood-Based Naive Credal Classifier
Alessandro Antonucci, Marco Cattaneo, Giorgio Corani

The Description/Experience Gap in the Case of Uncertainty
Horacio Arlo-Costa, Varun Dutt, Cleotilde Gonzalez, Jeffrey Helzner

Nonparametric predictive inference for subcategory data
Rebecca Baker, Pauline Coolen-Schrijner, Frank Coolen, Thomas Augustin

Structural Reliability Assessment with Fuzzy Probabilities
Michael Beer, Mingqiang Zhang, Ser Tong Quek, Scott Ferson

A discussion on learning and prior ignorance for sets of priors in the one-parameter exponential family
Alessio Benavoli, Marco Zaffalon

Two for the Price of One: Info-Gap Robustness of the 1-Test Algorithm
Yakov Ben-Haim

Dirichlet Model Versus Expert Knowledge
Diogo Bezerra, Fernando Campello de Souza

The Description of Least Favorable Pairs in Huber-Strassen Theory, Finite Case
Andrey Bronevich

Comparing Binary and Standard Probability Trees in Credal Networks Inference
Andrés Cano, Manuel Gómez, Andrés R. Masegosa, Serafí­n Moral

Incoherence correction strategies in statistical matching
Andrea Capotorti, Barbara Vantaggi

Regression with Imprecise Data: A Robust Approach
Marco Cattaneo, Andrea Wiencierz

Building Imprecise Classification Trees With Entropy Ranges
Richard Crossman, Joaquí­n Abellán, Thomas Augustin, Frank Coolen

Lp consonant approximation of belief functions in the mass space
Fabio Cuzzolin

Non-conflicting and Conflicting Parts of Belief Functions
Milan Daniel

State sequence prediction in imprecise hidden Markov models
Jasper De Bock, Gert De Cooman

Independent natural extension for sets of desirable gambles
Gert De Cooman, Enrique Miranda

Modelling uncertainties in limit state functions
Thomas Fetz

Coherent conditional probabilities and proper scoring rules
Angelo Gilio, Giuseppe Sanfilippo

Potential Surprises
Frank Hampel

Dynamic Programming and Subtree Perfectness for Deterministic Discrete-Time Systems with Uncertain Rewards
Nathan Huntley, Matthias Troffaes

A Note on Local Computations in Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence
Radim Jirousek

Overcoming some limitations of imprecise reliability models
Igor Kozine, Victor Krymsky

Partially identified prevalence estimation under misclassification using the Kappa coefficient
Helmut Küchenhoff , Thomas Augustin, Anne Kunz

A study on updating belief functions for parameter uncertainty representation in Nuclear Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Tu Duong LE DUY, Dominique Vasseur, Mathieu Couplet, Laurence Dieulle, Christophe Bérenguer

Robust Equilibria under Linear Tracing Procedure
Hailin Liu

Bounds for Self-consistent CDF Estimators for Univariate and Multivariate Censored Data
Xuecheng Liu, Alain C. Vandal

A Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for Updating Credal Networks of Bounded Treewidth and Number of Variable States
Denis Mauá, Cassio Campos, Marco Zaffalon

Conglomerable Natural Extension
Enrique Miranda, Marco Zaffalon, Gert De Cooman

Imprecise Probabilities in Non-cooperative Games
Robert Nau

Characterizing joint distributions of random sets with an application to set-valued stochastic processes
Bernhard Schmelzer

Forecasting with Imprecise Probabilities
Teddy Seidenfeld, Mark Schervish, Joseph Kadane

Never Say 'Not:' Impact of Negative Wording in Probability Phrases on Imprecise Probability Judgments
Michael Smithson, David V. Budescu, Stephen B. Broomell, Han-Hui Por

Discrete Second-order Probability Distributions that Factor into Marginals
David Sundgren

Probability boxes on totally preordered spaces for multivariate modelling
Matthias Troffaes, Sebastien Destercke

Robust detection of exotic infectious diseases in animal herds: A comparative study of two decision methodologies under severe uncertainty
Matthias Troffaes, John Paul Gosling

Robustness of Natural Extension
Matthias Troffaes, Robert Hable

Interval-valued regression and classification models in the framework of machine learning
Lev Utkin, Frank Coolen

Conditioning, conditional independence and irrelevance in evidence theory
Jirina Vejnarova

On Prior-Data Conflict in Predictive Bernoulli Inferences
Gero Walter, Thomas Augustin, Frank Coolen

Utility-Based Accuracy Measures to Empirically Evaluate Credal Classifiers
Marco Zaffalon, Giorgio Corani, Denis Mauá

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